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UTI Asset Management Company Ltd. (UTI AMC) was incorporated on November 14, 2002 and commenced operations from February 1, 2003. UTI AMC has been promoted by four sponsors, namely, State Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank and each of them hold 25% of the paid up capital of UTI AMC. UTI AMC was converted from a private limited company to a limited company with effect from November 14, 2007.

On January 20, 2010 T.Rowe Price Group Inc. through its wholly owned subsidiary T.Rowe Price Global Investment Services Ltd. U.K.(TRP) acquired 26% stake in UTIAMC after obtaining all the requisite approvals from the Government of India, SEBI and the RBI. Directors representing TRP have been inducted on UTIAMC board. This ensures an effective amalgam of global technological expertise and the long experience with Indian capital markets.

UTI AMC is the investment manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund. It also manages offshore funds and provides support to the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India.

It is the holding company for UTI Venture Funds Management Company which manages venture funds and UTIInternational Ltd., which markets offshore funds to overseas investors. Another subsidiary is UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd., which acts as the fund manager to pension fund schemes.

UTI AMC is a SEBI registered Portfolio Manager bearing registration number PM/INP000000860 and offers discretionary, non-discretionary and advisory services to high net worth clients, corporates and institutions.

UTIAMC has been managing/advising the portfolios of domestic/offshore funds and mandates since inception in 2004. Some of the key offshore mandates/funds that the PMS Division has been advising/managing are:
Shinsei India Fund, an equity fund based in Japan.
India Dynamic Equity Fund, a UCITS Fund registered in Dublin.
K B India Fund a fund registered in Korea.
Emirates India Fund, a UCITS fund registered in Luxemburg.
UTIAMC is appointed as the portfolio manager by the Government of India for the National Skill Development Fund, funds of Postal Life Insurance, funds of Employees Provident Fund (EPFO), funds of Coal Mine Provident Fund (CMPFO) & Employees State Insurance Fund which are predominantly debt-oriented funds.


We also convey our thanks to UTI AMC for being our benevolent partner and supporting the education and training 225 differently able children in the rural areas. In this regards we convey our gratitude to Madam Khurshid Mistry of UTI AMC for always helping us and guiding us in their CSR project.  The rural areas are till date very much neglected in all areas and need the attention of all towards its development and progress.

GuideStar India is India’s largest reliable repository of NGO information. Our portal www.GuidestarIndia.org is India’s largest, fully searchable database of reliable and comparable information on over 6,300 NGOs. With another 100,000+ NGOs on our offline database and NGO due diligence solutions, we have brought down the cost and time of connecting with NGOs. GuideStar India is transforming how Indian NGOs report and share information, and, is changing the way the people perceive, interact and engage with NGOs.
Our powerful search allows users to find and connect with NGOs within minutes.
By joining GuideStar India, an NGO demonstrates its commitment to being a transparent & accountable organization. Registration on GuideStar India is free for NGOs. In 6 years, GuideStar India has created a vibrant community of NGOs who you can reach easily to provide resources and opportunities.
http://www.guidestarindia.org  was launched on Sep 23, 2010.

Please click here knon about Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People: http://guidestarindia.org/Summary.aspx?CCReg=5580 

India’s Energy Scenario & Coal

India is currently among the top three fastest growing economies of the world. As a natural corollary India’s energy needs too are fast expanding with its increased industrialization and capacity addition in Power generation. This is where ‘Coal’ steps in. In India coal is the critical input for major infrastructure industries like Power, Steel and Cement.

  • Coal is the most dominant energy source in India’s energy scenario.
  • Coal meets around 52% of primary commercial energy needs in India against 29% the world over.
  • Around 66% of India’s power generation is coal based.
  • India is the 3rd largest coal producing country in the world after China and USA.

Coal India Limited at a glance

Coal India Limited (CIL) as an organized state owned coal mining corporate came into being in November 1975 with the government taking over private coal mines. With a modest production of 79 Million Tonnes (MTs) at the year of its inception CIL today is the single largest coal producer in the world. Operating through 81 mining areas CIL is an apex body with 7 wholly owned coal producing subsidiaries and 1 mine planning and consultancy company spread over 8 provincial states of India. CIL also fully owns a mining company in Mozambique christened as ‘Coal India Africana Limitada’. CIL also manages 200 other establishments like workshops, hospitals etc. Further, it also owns 26 technical & management training institutes and 102 Vocational Training Institutes Centres. Indian Institute of Coal Management (IICM) as a state-of-the-art Management Training ‘Centre of Excellence’ – the largest Corporate Training Institute in India – operates under CIL and conducts multi disciplinary management development programmes.

CIL having fulfilled the financial and other prerequisites was granted the Maharatna recognition in April 2011. It is a privileged status conferred by Government of India to select state owned enterprises in order to empower them to expand their operations and emerge as global giants. So far, the select club has only five members out of 217 Central Public Sector Enterprises in the country.

With corporate India now geared up to spend up to 2% of their average net profits over the last 3 years for socially responsible activities there is a need for credibility and due diligence of the NGOs. As per a recent analysis done by BSE, there are 1,294 companies listed on its exchange that are required to spend nearly Rs.7,800 crores on CSR activities in the FY’16.

With about 20 lakh NGOs registered in India there is considerable confusion among corporates on their legitimacy and credibility. Corporates, especially the small and medium ones need a trusted marketplace or intermediary to be able to identify and partner with a NGO for their CSR compliance.

Sammaan is a first of its kind initiative in the world which enables companies to undertake effective CSR activities by connecting them to non-profit and non-government agencies that have legitimate records.

Sammaan brings together BSE’s exchange capabilities along with Confederation of Indian Industry’s (CII’s) strong industry connect and Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs’s (IICA’s) knowledge expertise to enable effective CSR compliance.

Please click here and known about partnership with Sammaaan :http://www.bsesammaan.com/searchMain.aspx?search_regid=1394&ngo_org=Institute%20for%20Handicapped%20and%20Backward%20People&flag=ngo


An important development in the role of corporate houses has been the increasing focus on their corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by businesses to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of the workforce as well as of the local community and society at large.

LIC as a responsible Corporate Citizen has been fulfilling its social responsibilities from time to time. LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation was established on 20.10.2006 as a part of LIC’s Corporate Social Responsibility.The Foundation has been registered with the Charity Commissioner Mumbai and is also exempt under Section 80G of Income Tax.

The objectives of the LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation are promoting education, health, relief of poverty or distress and advancement of other objects of general public utility.

Golden Jubilee Foundation can provide a great avenue of fulfilling our social responsibility at the corporate level and our philanthropic needs at the individual level.

The Foundation has supported projects ranging from construction of Hospitals, School buildings and classrooms, library, computer centre, Old age homes, Hostel buildings for children in tribal areas, Vocational training centres for differently abled persons to provide infrastructural facilities to needy persons in different pockets of the country. We have also provided funds for purchase of School buses for transportation of differently abled children and Ambulances for transportation of patients to Hospitals. The Foundation has supported cochlear implant programme for children from economically weaker sections of the society spread across the country through KEM Hospital, Pune. LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation has reached out in areas where natural calamities have devastated human life and provided infrastructural support to orphan children through NGO’s.  The list of projects supported by us is available under the Activities and project details link.


At Cognizant, we firmly believe that corporate actions play a very important role in creating a climate of positive opinion and that giving back to the Society is not only imperative to the company’s growth, but also an earnest reflection of the values it stands for.


To be a model social organisation that enables and facilitates the under-privileged sections of the society to access quality education, healthcare and livelihood opportunities


  • To work towards fulfilling the education, healthcare and livelihood needs of the under-privileged sections of the society
  • To provide financial and technical support to institutions for improving the quality of education, livelihood and healthcare
  • To design and implement programs aimed at quality improvements in education, livelihood and access to healthcare


The major issues affecting each strata of education in India are quality and relevance. Adequate infrastructure facilities, relevant curriculum and pedagogy, quality teachers and financial aid for students are some of the pressing needs of India’s education sector.

Cognizant Foundation has been striving to answer some of these issues through its programmes and projects in schools to foster computer and science education through programmes that encourage innovative teaching solutions. Through its scholarship programme Cognizant Foundation supports meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of the society to pursue their higher education. 


Over the years, there has been a tremendous improvement in the quality of healthcare services in India. However, in spite of widespread efforts to reach healthcare amenities to every strata of society, access to affordable healthcare still remains a distant dream to the underprivileged in the rural and urban areas.

Cognizant Foundation’s efforts in this area have therefore been directed towards upgrading and augmenting the facilities of healthcare institutions who offer low cost, high quality healthcare facilities to the rural and urban poor.


One of India’s critical developmental needs is the generation of productive and gainful employment to the growing population of rural youth. It is in this context that the country is witnessing multi-pronged initiatives to train the rural and semi-urban youth in relevant trades that will lead to their gainful employment.

Livelihood is a recent but fast growing focus area for Cognizant Foundation. The Foundation has been supporting several initiatives that focus on training youth from the poorer sections of the society with livelihood skills and placement opportunities and enabling them to participate in the country’s economic progress.

 Please see more: http://www.cognizantfoundation.org

About National CSR Hub, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

In the wake of rapid globalization and pressing ecological issues, the perception towards the role of corporate in the broader social paradigm is undergoing a sea change.

In the recent years, society and the state have put forward an expectation before public sector corporate to integrate the social responsibility aspects in their business persuasion. This scenario not only affects large scale public sector undertakings, but also includes firms of small scale.

The underlying assumption that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one way through which companies can demonstrate their commitments towards being socially responsible. In fact, CSR as an integral aspect of corporate has double edge effect in terms of creating goodwill to the company and acting as a social and economic intervention to bring about large scale change in the life of people from different walks.

It is in this context, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai and Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Government of India have come to realize that there is a need to have centralized system where core functions of CSR including learning and knowledge dissemination take place.

As a result, TISS, a pioneer educational institution in social sciences with decades of experience in teaching, research, publications, and field interventions (for more information visit www.tiss.edu) has come forward to host National CSR Hub. This hub is coordinated at the School of Management and Labour Studies (SMLS) at TISS. The hub carries out activities in a partnership mode i.e. TISS, civil society organizations, and the concerned PSEs.

Broadly, core functions of CSR Hub at TISS include inter alia Research, Publication and knowledge dissemination, Capacity Building, and Advocacy. A dedicated team of faculties and research associates at TISS work in collaboration with DPE, and the concerned Public Enterprise will guide the PSE’s in implementation.

Kindly go through the  strategy paper and latest revised guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility for PSE’s by DPE which is available in the website for guidance.  Over a period of time, it is envisioned that the CSR Hub would work with many PSE’s and endeavor to reach out across India.

National Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility (NFCSR)

Businesses need to be profitable, but their use of natural resources and sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of the common man is also critical to long-term survival and growth. Sustainability of business includes not merely economic sustainability in the narrow sense of the term but also social and environmental sustainability with the confluence of human, financial, social and ecological capital. It is inappropriate to conduct market activity that concentrates wealth without empowering the poor and the deprived. The NFCSR was established at IICA in 2012 to be the apex national institution that aims to build an enabling environment for the corporate sector to work in partnership with the government, non government and civil society organisations for effective contribution towards sustainable growth and development. It has been provided an initial corpus fund by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, enabling India to take a leadership position in the area of CSR. In this regard, crosscutting CSR research, training, advisory and consulting services are pertinent. This not only fulfils the IICA mandate for the National Foundation on Corporate Social Responsibility (NFCSR) to be the CSR enabler, but also to evolve as the apex national level institution that can effectively enable and inform the implementation of the CSR laws and parameters of the country. In order to fulfil this mandate, the NFCSR offers the following facilitation and Services:
  • Learning& Development (People)
    •          – CSR Training Services
    •          – BSE IICA CSR Index
  • Metadata On CSR: (Information)
  • CSR Implementing Agency Hub (Partners)
  • Documentation, Assessment & Evaluation, Advocacy & Dissemination & Research(Projects & Implementation)
Please click here for known about Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People: http://iahub.iica.in/DatabaseReport.aspx#page-3

Corporate Social Responsibility in ONGC

Corporate_SocialAs a public sector enterprise, ONGC has a long and cherished tradition of commendable initiatives, institutionalized programmes and practices of Corporate Social Responsibility which have played a laudable role in the development of several underdeveloped regions of the country. The vision of sustainable growth drives both business decisions as well as our Corporate Social Responsibility works. Our CSR activities are essentially guided by project based approach in line with the guidelines issued by the Department of Public Enterprises and Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India. The CSR initiatives of ONGC were marked by unrelenting commitment to several large – scale key projects as well as initiation of several new projects identified under the 12 focus areas of ONGC i.e.

    1. Education including vocational courses,
    2. Health Care,
    3. Entrepreneurship (self-help & livelihood generation) schemes,
    4. Infrastructure support near ONGC operational areas,
    5. Environment protection, ecological conservation, promotion,
    6. Protection of heritage sites, UNESCO heritage monuments etc.
    7. Promotion of artisans, craftsman, musicians, artists etc. for preservation of heritage, Art & Culture,

  1. Women’s Empowerment, Girl Child Development, Gender sensitive projects,
  2. Water Management including ground water recharge,
  3. Initiatives for Physically and Mentally challenged,
  4. Sponsorship of seminars, conferences, workshops etc.
  5. Promoting Sports/sports persons; supporting agencies promoting sports / sports persons.

MSTC Ltd. is a Mini Ratna company under the administrative control of Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India. Established in 1964,MSTC is celebrating its growth on its 50th year, from being a small trading company into multiproduct diversified, techno savvy trading company seeing the Indian Industry as a catalyst of trading, procurement and logistic support for raw materials and
finished products.

Vision and Mission Statement
MSTC affirms its commitment for the uplift of the poor, under privileged and other socially and economically backward citizens and shall continue to actively contribute to social cause by:
(a) In calculating the culture of CSR within the organization
(b) Complying with provisions of the Act, Rules and guidelines, if any,
(C) Making all endeavors to be responsible and value based corporate citizen.
(d) To protect the environment natural resources and to facilitate use of resources for future need of mankind.
(e) To reduce use of energy by facilitating recycling of waste and thereby conserving resources.


Established in 1920, Bridge and Roof has since come under the administrative control of the Department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India.
From a tiny acorn, today B&R has grown into a giant oak with an annual turnover of IRs. 1711.49 Crores (Unaudited Provisional) during the year 2015-2016, serving both Private and Public Sectors, Indian and Overseas. Utilising the most modern construction equipment and technology, with high degree of expertise and substantial in-house resources, employing around 1366 people in its permanent cadre, while at any time engaging more than 17,000 locally employed staff and workers at various project sites.

B&R’s pursuit of excellence and adherence to quality has earned itself THE QUALITY SYSTEM STANDARD, ISO 9001: 2008 for TANK CONSTRUCTION and ISO 9001 : 2008 for MANUFACTURE OF RAILWAY WAGONS, RAILWAY BRIDGE GIRDERS, BUNK HOUSES  and BAILEY TYPE UNIT BRIDGES at its Howrah Workshop

B&R is a most versatile construction organisation, ready to take on new challenges and be recognized by our esteemed clients as a dynamic and professional organisation and a leader in the services B&R provides.

To become a leader in integrated Project Management in the field of construction and allied services with a high growth trajectory and increase its market share.
Customer satisfaction through quality products and strict adherence to delivery schedule.

More details click here: http://www.bridgeroof.co.in


The Company is committed to establish itself and remain as a responsible corpoate entity conscious of its social and environmental responsibilities to all stakeholders and society at large. The CSR team visited to the Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People please see bellow mentioned photograph

Rail Vikas Nigam limited (RVNL) is an organisation associated with Indian Railways whose task is to build engineering works required by Indian Railways. RVNL as per its CSR initiatives is providing financial assistance for the education, training, rehabilitation and development of 100 differently able students of the Special School for the Disabled run by Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People since 2012-2013. Under this program RVNL is poviding financial assistance under the following Head i.e. Honorarium of Special Teachers, Educational Kits, Teaching Aids, Stipend, Contingencies. This program is in its 4th years and based of survey and report of Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) is a success and all the students under this program has immensely benefited.