Sourik Jana, a Class I student with intellectual disabilities, Amna Khatoon, a Class IX student who is hearing impaired, and MD Hadhayat, a Class XII student who is hearing impaired, all celebrated their birthdays on October 16, 2023, at the Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People. In a heartwarming and inclusive celebration, they chose to share their joy by distributing chocolates among their classmates and fellow students at the Special School for the Disabled. The entire school community united to wish them a heartfelt Happy Birthday, symbolizing the spirit of togetherness and support that defines the institute.
These celebrations not only brought smiles to the faces of Sourik, Amna, and MD Hadhayat but also served as a beautiful example of the camaraderie and compassion that thrives within the school. It was a day filled with love, acceptance, and the reaffirmation of the school’s commitment to uplifting the lives of differently-abled individuals.